FreeWorldImports is a Liquidity Services marketplace where merchants, professional buyers, traders, governments and others can purchase new one- of-kind, branded, surplus, closeouts | discontinued and other inventory.
Buyers are given the ability to purchase products | merchandise in Bulk lots | Small lots often times referred to as bundles or single units based on product types and their availability.
We offer a wide variety of product categories to include Agriculture, Apparel, Automobiles, Beauty & Personal, Business Services, Chemicals, Computer Hardware, Construction Products, Consumer Electronics, Electrical, Energy, Environmental Products, Fashion Accessories, Food & Beverage, Furniture, Hardware, Health & Medical, Home & Garden, Home Appliance, Industrial Parts, Lights & Lighting, Luggage & Bags, Machinery, Measurement, Minerals, Office & School, Packaging, Rubber & Plastics, Security, Shoes & Footwear, Sports, Telecommunication, Textile & Leather, Timepieces, Jewelry, Tools, Toys & Hobbies, Transportation and more.
To put it bluntly we are the liquidity services marketplace for all sell-able products | merchandise. To learn more about the FreeWorldImports Inventory Liquidation Marketplace, please take a moment to watch this video presentation.